Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It doesn't feel like summer to me until I go boating, and we finally got to go! My uncle Tyler invited us to go out on his boat and we had a blast! Tony and I both went wake boarding, Tony tried surfing. The highlight of the day was tubing! Heather, my aunt Lisa, Lisa's friend, and I went first. It was so much fun! Thanks guys for making my summer happen!!

Here we are trying to do the pyramid. We were trying to do it backwards! We realized too late that we should have had to people on bottom and one person standing on our backs!! DUH!


McKell said...

To say the least, I'm jealous. I loved boating - still do, but just don't get to do it as much as I would like. Looks like you had so much fun!

Lisa said...

hahahaha! I had so much fun with you that day!! You guys should definitely come up again so we can go before summer is over!

Oh and your family pictures turned out so beautiful!